At the moment, Option 1 – iConstruct Smart IFC Exporter for Navisworks is probably the best way to get data from Navisworks or DWF into IFC and then into a BIM target application. It’s a long post, so here is the summary. Use Simlab DWF Importer for Sketchup [some data to SKP, then geometry to IFC OR.Navisworks to FBX to SAT (using 3dsMax) to Revit.Navisworks to DWF to Adobe 8 or 9 Pro Extended.Navisworks to DWF to various 3D formats using Okino NuGraf.Direct IFC Export from Navisworks using iConstruct.

Thus begins my pursuit of how to get Navisworks exported to IFC, or DWF converted to IFC. Therefore, if we are able to convert DWF to an editable format, we would also be creating a way to Import Navisworks data into Revit. For example, Navisworks can export the elements visible in any view to a nice, lightweight DWF that inherits all the associated BIM data from the original element. It is an enticing prospect, however, because virtually all Autodesk software exports to DWF. It is even harder to export it to a form that includes both geometry and data, such as IFC. By design, it is difficult to repurpose a DWF into a format where you can then alter the model, or use it in a design environment for context. Autodesk, BIM360 BIM 360 Glue, dwf No CommentsĪ DWF file is somewhat of an an end-point when it comes to 3D data and BIM workflows. Using the above steps 1-5, you can ‘find’ this DWF with Shared Co ordinates and use it wherever you please… such as in Navisw orks. However, the Glue addin can actually exp ort DWFs with Shared Co ordinates (if you choose that in the Glue exp ort More Options dialog). This process opens up an interesting possibility… usually when exp orting a DWF using plain Revit, it will always use Project Internal co ordinates. Using the Glue desktop app, upload that model manually.Grab that file, and remove the suffix (usually a few digits) so that the DWF Filename = View Name = Glue Model name.Look f or a DWF or NWC that matches the View Name that failed to Glue in Revit.To do this, open Windows Expl orer and type %TEMP% in the address bar. After receiving the err or, immediately browse to your Temp direct ory.You may be able to w orkaround this problem by following these steps: Sometimes in Glue addin f or Revit will fail with the message “ One or more gluing errors occurred“.